Articles in Category: AWR Guest Blogs

From Mixed Company to Murder: How Tragedy Begot My Transformation

karen poterGuest blog post by Karen Poter host of Internet talk show Love-Encore.

I had been happily married to my college sweetheart, Gary, for nearly twenty-four years. We had a daughter and two sons who were 19, 17 and 11 years old.

I never dreamed that a joyous musical rendez-vous would precede a tragic event that would turn our wonderful world upside down…

Tags challenges happiness health inspiration love marriage relationships sex sexuality

3 Love Mantras That Let It Flow

marci shimoffGuest blog by Marci Shimoff author of Love for No Reason: 7 Steps to Creating a Life of Unconditional Love.

The first time I fell in love I couldn’t believe what happened to the world. The sky had never been that blue before! The trees looked like works of art!

The most annoying acquaintance was suddenly adorable, and the morning traffic jam became a delightful chance to sit and dream.

Tags connection learning life love marriage relationships

Parisa Hafezi Reports From Iran

2011-10-24-ParisaHafezi Reuters

By Tabby Biddle; originally posted on the Huffington Post

The International Women's Media Foundation recently honored four brave women journalists who risked their lives to cover news in their countries.

"These courageous women have endured terrible hardships, without questioning their own safety," said IWMF Board Co-Chair Barbara Cochran.

Creating Awareness of Eating Disorders

robyn hussa

By Robyn Hussa, Founder  of NORMAL

Five years ago I left my work producing and performing in professional theatre in New York City because of a single musical – nor.mal:

Based on the true story of a family struggling with an eating disorder, this musical really hit home for me. I never struggled with an eating disorder or mental health concern myself, but I knew so many others who had.

7 Doorways to Love & How To Open Yours!

marci shimoffGuest blog post by Marci Shimoff author of Love for No Reason: 7 Steps to Creating a Life of Unconditional Love.

Contrary to what greeting cards tell us, love isn’t just flowers, hearts, and a warm, fuzzy feeling; it’s actually a field of energy that we can tap into on many different levels—physical, emotional, and spiritual.

This love energy is what makes life truly joyful and juicy.