Articles in Category: AWR Guest Blogs

Women Need More Women Heroes Stacia Carr (aka @noisegirl) is a technologist, musician, aspiring amateur boxer.

There’s been a lot of talk online over the last 6 or so months about ‘women in tech’ – to call it talk is an understatement. There have been all out shit storms, brawls, debates, discussions, celebrations, and utter failures.

As a ‘woman who works in technology’ myself it’s been an interesting discussion to watch unfold.

The “Men Who Get It” Project

Susan notes:
this guest blog post is by executive coach Lynn Harris, author of Unwritten Rules: What Women Need To Know About Leading In Today's Organisations; it was recently published on The Glass Hammer, online community designed for women executives in financial services, law and business. I love Harris's new project finding, interviewing and writing about "men who 'get it.'" Are you one? Or do you know a man who is? Contact Harris or me with the details.

Since publishing Unwritten Rules: What Women Need To Know About Leading In Today's Organisations, I’ve worked with others to try to get more women in positions of senior leadership.

Basically all change efforts boil down to the same thing - can we get people to behave differently?

In this case:

  • Can we get shareholders to appoint more women to their boards?
  • Can we get CEOs to create gender-balanced teams to lead their organizations?
  • Can we get professional services firms to operate differently so that more women stay and make partner?
  • Can we get political parties to field equal numbers of men and women candidates, and then get journalists and voters to give women a fair chance?

20 Reasons Why We Still Need The "F" Word


Guest blog by executive coach Lynn Harris, author of Unwritten Rules: What Women Need To Know About Leading In Today's Organisations, is one I wished I had written myself. On the other hand, it's also one I wish didn't have to be written at all...

In our privileged world “Feminism” has become a dirty word. For most western young women, to be called a Feminist is an insult.

Tags advertising community connection feminism goals health inspiration poverty sexuality Women's Rights

My Darling Clementines: Christmas Reflections From Morocco

clementineSusan notes: Carolyn Theriault is a Canadian expatriate who lived in Turkey when she wrote this blog post; she is now in Kurdistan. Theriault is a prolific blogger, twitterer, and self-confessed "snark." She's also the author of Stealing Fatima's Hand, "an unforgettable collection of narratives presenting an alternative view of Morocco."

Tags Christmas Fun happiness health love Middle East travel