Articles in Category: AWR Guest Blogs

10 Life Lessons I Learned From Being a Biker

Liz Jansen HeadshotGuest blog post by author & motorcycle aficionado Liz Jansen.

Motorcycles and our relationship with them have much to teach us, whether we ride or not.

The partnership of rider and machine when they join together in perfect harmony is like observing a beautiful dance that gives birth to power, strength, balance and positive change. 

Tags adventure Fun inspiration learning personal growth success

5 Bullshit Rules We All Should Ignore

no bsGuest blog post by Brenda Slavin.

Why do we hold ourselves hostage to rules that don’t really even exist?  Day after day we play out conforming to rules that we ourselves have created which only hold us back.

Some of these “rules” have been instilled into us.  Not only by our upbringing and influences, also by our society and the media.  We follow them habitually never giving much thought to if they make sense to what is right for us as individuals.

Tags goals happiness health inspiration learning personal growth success