Articles tagged with: success

Sue Gardner on The People's Encyclopedia

sue-gardner.jpgFormer journalist turned online media powerhouse, Sue Gardner is the Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit organization behind Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia.

Before joining the Wikimedia Foundation, she ran CBC.CA, the website for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, one of Canada’s most prominent and best-loved cultural institutions (and one of my personal favorites).

I was especially interested in Gardner's talk as I am a HUGE fan and regular supporter of Wikipedia, without which Amazing Women Rock would not be the site it is today.

In this informal interview, Gardner explains how Wikipedia depends on the generosity of "strangers" to stay afloat:

Tags charity community education goals innovation learning social media success technology volunteer

Don't Send A Man To The Grocery Store (And If You Do, Check Your List Twice)

jeanne_robertsson3.jpgWhen you’re not from the southern United States, for some reason there’s something inherently funny (not to mention charming!), about a Southern drawl - and  amazing comedienne Jeanne Robertson makes the most of that something.

What’s more, she’s tall (6 foot 2 inches or 188 cm depending on how you measure things), she’s gorgeous, she’s warm, engaging, clever and gracious. An amazing woman after my own heart.

Even better? She’s got hair just like mine! Same cut, same colour, same “au naturel.” Seems we were destined to meet one day. If not in person, then surely online…

Tags comedienne Fun humour success