Susan notes: Thanks to TED for making TED Talks downloadable and embeddable, and for providing the biographical information that goes along with them.
The legendary chimpanzee researcher Jane Goodall talks about TACARE and
her other community projects, which help people in booming African
towns live side-by-side with threatened animals.
Jane Goodall hasn't exactly found the missing link, but she's come
closer than just about anyone else on Earth. Her extensive research
into the behavior of chimpanzees, which started in Africa in the 1960s
and continues today, fundamentally altered scientific thinking about the relationship between humans and other mammals.
Posted in TED Talks (Individual)
Susan notes: I've copied and pasted this biographical information and talk unabashedly from the TED website.
In this TED archive video from 1998, paralympic sprinter Aimee Mullins
talks about her record-setting career as a runner, and about the
amazing carbon-fiber prosthetic legs (then a prototype) that helped her
cross the finish line.
Aimee Mullins was born without fibular bones, and had both of her
legs amputated below the knee when she was an infant. She learned to
walk on prosthetics, then to run -- competing at the national and
international level as a champion sprinter, and setting world records
at the 1996 Paralympics in Atlanta. At Georgetown, where she
double-majored in history and diplomacy, she became the first double
amputee to compete in NCAA Division 1 track and field.
Tags actress adventure fashion goals inspiration model sports success
Posted in TED Talks (Individual)