Articles in Category: TED Talks (Individual)


Majorca Carter Shares EcoActivism Success Stories

majora-carter.jpgThe future of green is local -- and entrepreneurial. At TEDxMidwest, Majora Carter brings us the stories of three people who are saving their own communities while saving the planet. Call it "hometown security."

Majora Carter redefined the field of environmental equality, starting in the South Bronx at the turn of the century. Now she is leading the local economic development movement across the USA.

Majora Carter is a visionary voice in city planning who views urban renewal through an environmental lens. The South Bronx native draws a direct connection between ecological, economic and social degradation. Hence her motto: "Green the ghetto!"

With her inspired ideas and fierce persistence, Carter managed to bring the South Bronx its first open-waterfront park in 60 years, Hunts Point Riverside Park. Here she is on EcoActivism, more about her after the talk:


Tags community environment TED Talks

Julia Query: On Being In A Club Nobody Wants To Join (TEDxSanFrancisco)

julia-query.jpgJulia is a writer and psychotherapist in SF. She used to be a comic and filmmaker. She produced, wrote and co-directed Live Nude Girls Unite! A documentary about the successful unionization effort by the workers at the Lusty Lady peep show.

Live Nude Girls Unite! won multiple awards— including the San Francisco International Film Festival Audience Award for Best Feature.

Tags connection education family happiness health learning personal growth

Molly Fisk Reads Her Poetry At TEDxSanFransisco

molly-fisk.jpgPoet and essayist Molly Fisk lives in the Yuba River watershed of California's Sierra Nevada foothills, where she teaches poets, cancer patients, and women of all ages how to be more deeply themselves through writing.

She's the author of the poetry collections The More Difficult Beauty and Listening to Winter, and the radio commentary CDs Blow-Drying a Chicken and Using Your Turn Signal Promotes World Peace, and runs the popular on-line workshop Poetry Boot Camp.

Widely published and anthologized, Fisk has won a National Endowment for the Arts grant and been nominated for Poet Laureate of California. "The More Difficult Beauty returns emotion to the American poem with its supple lines. . ."

Tags poetry