Articles tagged with: life

5 Ways To Make Today Better Than Yesterday

5 waysGuest post by Alexis Sclamberg

1. Give Yourself a Gift

I’m talking about the nourishing kind (not that new purse you’ve been eyeing). Take a bubble bath, an extra long walk, or go for a drive with the windows down and the music blaring—and sing along. I often have solo dance parties in my apartment, and sometimes quiet time alone is gift enough. Pick a gift and commit to getting it today.

Tags friendship Fun health inspiration life success

We All Have A Story To Tell…

storyThanks to the Daily Om.

We all have a story to tell whether we publish it or keep it for just ourselves or family; allow yourself to be heard.

Everyone, at one time or another, has wanted to express his or her story.

Writing a memoir to read privately, share with family or friends, or publish is an emotionally satisfying way to gain perspective on your experiences while sharing your unique voice.

Tags challenges happiness inspiration life storytelling success writer