Mary Hunter Austin (September 9, 1868 – August 13, 1934) was an American writer.
"What women have to stand on squarely [is] not their ability to see the world in the way men see it, but the importance and validity of their seeing it in some other way."
September 9, 1868
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Dawn Lorraine Fraser, AO, MBE (born 4 September 1937) is an Australian freestyle champion swimmer and former politician. She is one of only three swimmers to have won the same Olympic event three times – in her case the women's 100-metre freestyle.
Within Australia, she is often known for her controversial behaviour and larrikin character as much as for her athletic ability.

September 4, 1937
Tags athlete Olympics politics
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September 4, 1824
Tags inspiration poetry Women's Rights
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Caryl Churchill (born 3 September 1938) is a British playwright known for dramatizing the abuses of power, for her use of non-naturalistic techniques, and for her exploration of sexual politics and feminist themes.
Churchill was born in London, England, the daughter of Jan, a fashion model, and Robert Churchill, a political cartoonist. After World War II, her family emigrated to Montreal, Canada; Churchill was ten years old. In Montreal, she attended Trafalgar School for Girls.

September 3, 1938
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Liliuokalani (September 2, 1838 – November 11, 1917) was Hawaii's first queen and final sovereign ruler before the islands were annexed by the United States in 1898.
E ‘Onipa‘a Kākou
“To be steadfast, established, firm, resolute and determined.”

September 2, 1838
Tags feminism inspiration royalty
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