Articles in Category: Points to Ponder

You Are Exactly Where You Should Be

pink clock

Words of wisdom from Daily Om.

Every person fulfills their purpose when the time is right.

Since human timetables quite often do not correspond with universal timetables, it's common for people to feel that life is progressing too slowly or too quickly.

We draft carefully composed plans only to find that they fall into place when we least expect. 

Tags challenges courage determination faith goals happiness inspiration love success

Money Still Can't Buy Us Love :)

cant-buy-me-love.jpgMoney can buy:

a house, but not a home;
a clock, but not time;
a bed, but not sleep...
a book, but not knowledge;
a position, but not respect;
a doctor’s appointment, but not good health;
blood, but not life;

sex, but not love....