Thanks to the Daily Om.
We all have a story to tell whether we publish it or keep it for just ourselves or family; allow yourself to be heard.
Everyone, at one time or another, has wanted to express his or her story.
Writing a memoir to read privately, share with family or friends, or publish is an emotionally satisfying way to gain perspective on your experiences while sharing your unique voice.
Tags challenges happiness inspiration life storytelling success writer
Posted in Points to Ponder
Words of wisdom from Daily Om.
Your very own inner wisdom should be valued more than any other and will always guide you in the direction you need to travel.
Throughout our lives, we will encounter individuals who presume to know what is best for us. The insights they offer cannot compare, however, with the powers of awareness and discernment that already exist within us.
Tags challenges courage determination faith goals happiness inspiration love success
Posted in Points to Ponder

Words of Wisdom from Daily OM
When you make a leap of faith you can accomplish almost anything you set out to do.
Many people, in heeding the guidance of their souls, find themselves contemplating goals that seem outrageous or unattainable.
Tags goals happiness inspiration life love
Posted in Points to Ponder
Tags community connection feminism goals happiness health inspiration love
Posted in Points to Ponder