Articles tagged with: love

Huwaida Arraf (American-Palestinian Activist)

Huwaida ArragHuwaida Arraf (born 1976) is a Palestinian Christian human rights activist, lawyer and co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM).

The ISM is a Palestinian-led organization focused on assisting the Palestinian side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict using non-violent protests.

Arraf's law practice is based in Ramallah.

Tags activism challenges connection inspiration Israel love Palestine peace

3 Love Mantras That Let It Flow

marci shimoffGuest blog by Marci Shimoff author of Love for No Reason: 7 Steps to Creating a Life of Unconditional Love.

The first time I fell in love I couldn’t believe what happened to the world. The sky had never been that blue before! The trees looked like works of art!

The most annoying acquaintance was suddenly adorable, and the morning traffic jam became a delightful chance to sit and dream.

Tags connection learning life love marriage relationships