Articles tagged with: love

9 Cool Things Girlfriends Do

girlfriends.jpgThere's nothing like having a circle of women in your life. Like flowers and bandaids, they are indespensible....

Girlfriends keep your children and your secrets. They give you advice when you ask for it. Sometimes you take it, sometimes you don't...

Girlfriends don't always tell you that you're right, but they're usually honest. And they still love you, even when they don't agree with your choices.

Tags community connection family friendship love

The Tracks of My Tears

tracks_of_my_tears.jpgSome people say I cry easily. I guess it’s true.

I feel things deeply. And I have no problem letting those deep feelings overflow in the form of big, fat, salty tears that roll gently, slowly, and sweetly down my cheeks.

I am at peace with crying. I’ve learned to be totally OK with it, because I know it washes away poison and creates a river in which happiness can flow.

Tags challenges hope inspiration life love