Articles tagged with: inspiration

Dr Hawa Abdi & Dr Deqo Mohamed: Mother, Daughters, Doctors, & Saints

hawa-abdi-and-deqo-mohamed.jpgThey've been called the "saints of Somalia." Doctor Hawa Abdi and her daughter Deqo Mohamed discuss their medical clinic in Somalia, where -- in the face of civil war and open oppression of women -- they've built a hospital, a school and a community of peace.

Dr. Hawa Abdi and her daughters, Dr. Deqo Mohamed and Dr. Amina Mohamed, treat Somali refugee women and children, often for free.

Dr. Hawa Abdi is an OB/GYN (and a lawyer) who lives and works in Somalia with her daughters, also doctors, Dr. Amina Mohamed and Dr. Dr. Deqo Mohamed.

In 1983, she opened a small clinic in Somalia -- which became a refuge as Somalia devolved into civil war.

Her one-room clinic has grown to encompass a hospital, a school and a refugee camp for some 90,000 women and children, she estimates, who were displaced by war.

Tags conflict goals health inspiration poverty violence war

Sheena Matheiken on The Uniform Project

sheena-matheiken.jpgIn May 2009, with fashion as her medium, and education her cause, Sheena Matheiken launched the Uniform Project, pledging to wear one little black dress for 365 days as an exercise in sustainability, and a fundraiser to support the Akanksha Foundation – a non-profit organization providing education to children living in Indian slums.

For the next year, Sheena reinvented her one little black dress uniform on a daily basis solely using accessories that were either vintage, handmade, reused or donated.

Tags beauty fashion innovation inspiration

Monja Wolf on The Transition Into Social Development

monja-wolf.jpgConfronted with the fact that a dress she wore on a fashion shoot in India could have sustained an entire Indian family for several years, fashion model Monja Wolf decided to do something.

She founded Monyati Initiatives (monyati is an arabic word meaning "a little wish that is close to your heart"), a non-profit organization that "specialize in strategy and project development for non-government organizations.

Of her most recent venture to build homes in the slums of Sao Paulo she says:

"It was an incredible and very successful initiative. We took a trip down to Brazil, visited the beneficiary families in their old homes and constructed their new houses together with the families and 600 volunteers. Enjoy reading the presentation...and in the meantime please note that we still collect funds for our latest initiative -- a hand dug well in Ethiopia."

Tags community inspiration TED Talks