Articles tagged with: fun

10 Life Lessons I Learned From Being a Biker

Liz Jansen HeadshotGuest blog post by author & motorcycle aficionado Liz Jansen.

Motorcycles and our relationship with them have much to teach us, whether we ride or not.

The partnership of rider and machine when they join together in perfect harmony is like observing a beautiful dance that gives birth to power, strength, balance and positive change. 

Tags adventure Fun inspiration learning personal growth success

60 Sexy Shoes To Knock Your Socks Off

sps1Every Sunday the Crazy Bitch Society invites friends, fans and followers to share their sexiest shoes on the CBS FB page in a fashion extravanza dubbed "Shoe %&*$ Sunday (TM)."

The result is a flurry of style and stillettos guaranteed to make shoe lovers salivate, as well as some of the wildest and whackiest footwear you've ever seen. Check out the May 6, 2012, selection in the five image galleries that follow...

Tags fashion Fun shoes

36 Pearls of Amazing Feminine Wisdom

FINAL efw1SheQuotes quotes women exclusively on Twitter and Facebook. This week's favourite quotes are listed below. If you use these quotes, please attribute them to the women who said them.

Get the best of SheQuotes 2011 <== Everyday Feminine Wisdom Vol 1. Submit your own feminine wisdom here.

"The only way not to think about money is to have a great deal of it." ~ Edith Wharton

Tags Fun happiness inspiration love quotes success

Wedding Dress Distress

wedding-dress-distress.jpgJust weeks away from the wedding, the bride was dismayed to find out that her young step-mother had purchased the exact same dress as her mother for the wedding. Needless to say, she was very upset.

The divorce of her parents had been bad enough, and having both her mother and step-mother at the wedding was going to be a nightmare. She didn't want anything more to spoil her special day. 

Tags family Fun humour