Articles tagged with: family

Moira Kelly (Mother / Humanitarian)

moira kelly1Moira Kelly (31 January 1964) is an Australian humanitarian worker. 

She is the legal guardian of four orphaned children: Trishna and Krishna Bangladeshi conjoined twins (since separated with surgery), and Iraqi-born Emmanuelle and Ahmed Mustafa who were found in a shoe box in a park.

Emmanuelle tells his story and sings on the XFactor in this video (warning: get tissues before watching, seriously): 

Tags charity community family happiness inspiration kids love mothers success

Wedding Dress Distress

wedding-dress-distress.jpgJust weeks away from the wedding, the bride was dismayed to find out that her young step-mother had purchased the exact same dress as her mother for the wedding. Needless to say, she was very upset.

The divorce of her parents had been bad enough, and having both her mother and step-mother at the wedding was going to be a nightmare. She didn't want anything more to spoil her special day. 

Tags family Fun humour