Articles tagged with: community

Created to be Amazing!

eve.jpgBy the time the Lord made woman, he was into his sixth day of working overtime.

An angel appeared and said, "Why are you spending so much time on this one?"

The Lord answered: "Have you seen my spec sheet on her....? She has to be completely washable, but not plastic, have over 200 movable parts, all replaceable and able to run on diet coke and leftovers, have a lap that can hold four children at one time, have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart - and she will do everything with only two hands."

Tags community connection feminism goals happiness inspiration success Women's Rights

Sex Workers Have Rights Too

Maggie mcneillGuest blog post by Maggie McNeill, sex work advocate.

Susan notes: Guest blogger McNeill (otherwise known as The Honest Courtesan), and I disagree on many subjects. However, we are united in the belief that there is no shame in freely choosing to express one’s sexuality in the manner one wishes, and that includes getting paid for it, if that is one’s choice....

Tags community feminism sex sexuality Women's Rights

Slightly Tipsy Me Makes a FB Plea

Every now again everyone gets fed up. Including amazing me.

I've had one of those weeks where I reached the end of my rope. Five years of hard work seemed to go down the drain at the whim of Facebook and its (imho) stupidly short-sighted new marketing ploy to squeeze money out of its users.

After a facial and few glasses of wine, I'm reaching out to fans to see what kind of a response I get... 

Tags community marketing social media success

5 Ways To Achieve National Gender Parity

Dianne DixonGuest blog post by business owner Dianne Dixon.

According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap report 2011, four of the top five nations that have taken significant steps toward achieving gender parity are Nordic. They are: Iceland, Norway, Finland, and Sweden; Ireland rounds out the quintet.

The report was based on five years of data from 135 countries; it measured gender gap ratios in the following major categories: 

Tags community economics feminism gender parity Women's Rights

How Clean Are Your Windows?

windowA young newlywed couple moved into their first house in a new neighbourhood.

The next morning, while they were eating breakfast, the young woman sees her neighbour hang the wash out to dry.

"That laundry is not very clean," said the young woman to her husband, "she doesn't know how to wash correctly."

Her husband looked and listened, but remained silent.

Tags community inspiration