Thanks to Daily Om
Peace starts within us. We cannot bring to the world what we do not have to offer.
Often we look at the outside world and find it in a state of seeming chaos or disorder. We feel compelled to transform the situation from one of turmoil into one of peace, yet we are often disappointed in our best attempts to do so.
Tags challenges goals happiness inspiration life love peace success
Posted in Points to Ponder
Susan notes: See the end for attribution.
For the longest time, it seemed to me that my life was just about to start. My real life; the one in which I would be happy.
But there was always seemed to be some obstacle along the way, an ordeal to get through, work to be finished, time to be given, bills to be paid.
Tags attitude challenges happiness joy life psychology
Posted in Points to Ponder

Thanks to Daily Om
There is nothing in your life that cannot be overcome; whatever the situation or problem, there is always a solution.
When our next best course of action seems unclear, any dilemmas we face can appear insurmountable.
Yet there is nothing we cannot overcome.
Tags action challenges goals hope inspiration success
Posted in Points to Ponder
Susan notes: this useful re-centering practice is from Fitting in Is Overrated, a wonderful book by Leonard Felder (a psychologist, counselor, author and occasional contributor to my favourite publication Ode Magazine). I blogged about the book here.
When I imagine I'm a grain of sand, it's a pink one under this stunning blue sky...
Tags challenges connection health inspiration learning life personal growth
Posted in Parables and Stories