Brene Brown Listens to Shame

I love Brene Brown, her work and the way she presents it: with grace, humour and humility.

Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She studies human connection -- our ability to empathize, belong, love. She has spent the past ten years studying vulnerability, courage, authenticity, and shame.

She is also the author of The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are., which I've just finished reading and which I would highly recommend (it's one of those books that you will reread over and over again).

In "The Gifts of Imperfection" Brown talks about all the elements of personal growth most dear to my heart: fear, love, belonging and dance, among others. Her easy-to-read personal style is at once relaxed and compelling, and she backs up her "fluffy stuff" with research and anecdotes that bring her points home with panache. 

Here's the blurb from TED's YouTube post of the video above:

Shame is an unspoken epidemic, the secret behind many forms of broken behavior. Brené Brown, whose earlier talk on vulnerability became a viral hit, explores what can happen when people confront their shame head-on. Her own humor, humanity and vulnerability shine through every word.

Her previous TED talk has so far received several million views. Enjoy! 

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