UN Appoints Woman Envoy To Stop War-Related Rape Epidemic

Ban announced he wanted to appoint the 55-year-old outgoing vice-president of the European Commission during a speech at the opening of the African Union's 14th summit in Addis Ababa.
"I have informed the UNSC of my intention to appoint Margot Wallstrom, vice-president of the European Commission, as my special representative to intensify efforts to end sexual violence against women and children in conflict situations," he said.
"We will continue efforts to end the conflicts in the east (of the Democratic Republic of Congo), restore state authority, facilitate the return of refugees, and protect civilians against all forms of violence including sexual violence," Ban said.
"I'm horrified and outraged by the use of rape as a weapon of war," he said.
The Swedish diplomat said Sunday she would lobby for sexual violence in war to be recognised as a war crime, attacking what she said was a tendency to explain the abuse of women as "cultural."
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Thanks to:
Pauline Lowenborg
AWR Member & Fan
Pauline Lowenborg
AWR Member & Fan