The Dog's Meow

The latest contestant to astound the judges is a young Welsh wanna-be-singer-but-currently-working-as-a-waiter by the name of Greg Pritchard. (Amanda Holden’s face really says it all lol)
One does begin to wonder at the formulaic, cookie-cutter similarity of these "astonishing" BGT videos. And the fact that embedding from YouTube "has been disabled by request," seems to be a bit self-serving from the side of the side of the organisers and promoters.

In this case, that of 24-year-old denim-clad Greg Pritchard, who, sporting a funky hairstyle and looking every bit the rock-star everyone assumed he wanted to become, took to the stage, opened his mouth, and… well… click here to see for yourself why it can be dangerous to judge a book by it’s cover.
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