Johanna Blakley on Social Media and The End of Gender
Media and advertising companies still use the same old demographics to understand audiences, but they're becoming increasingly harder to track online, says media researcher Johanna Blakley.
As social media outgrows traditional media, and women users outnumber men, Blakley explains what changes are in store for the future of media.
Johanna Blakley studies the impact of mass media and entertainment on our world.
As the Deputy Director of the Norman Lear Center (a media-focused think tank at the University of Southern California) Johanna Blakley spends much of her time exploring how our entertainment interacts with our political, commercial and social habits.
She is especially interested in the surprising impact of intellectual property rights on innovation, organizing conferences around the lack of creative ownership in fashion as well as technology and the ownership of creative content.
Drawing on this vast body of experience, she also lectures at USC and helped develop their masters program in Public Diplomacy.
Susan notes: Thanks to TED for making TED Talks downloadable and embeddable, and for providing the biographical information that goes along with them.