Articles tagged with: health

Sarah Kay Gives Breathtaking Performances of "B" and "Hiroshima"

Sarah-Kay"If I should have a daughter, instead of Mom, she's gonna call me Point B ... " began spoken word poet Sarah Kay, in a talk that inspired two standing ovations at TED2011.

She tells the story of her metamorphosis -- from a wide-eyed teenager soaking in verse at New York's Bowery Poetry Club to a teacher connecting kids with the power of self-expression...

Tags connection family feminism Fun happiness health inspiration love parenting poetry

Kiss Our Collective Asses & Shove It Up Yours

feminist fistIn yesterday's post (This Is Insane. I Mean Really. C'mon!) I wondered wether to scream or cry.

Today, I learned a lesson in humility when I found that women (and men!) who are obviously much smarter than I are providing a far more sensible reponse: fight back with messages that point out the utter ridiculousness of the situation.

Here are a few more stellar examples courtesy of Formidable Republican Opposition:

Tags feminism gender parity goals government health politics sexuality Women's Rights

This Is Insane. I Mean Really. C'mon!

Contraception panelUmmm. What century are we in? This is the scariest picture I've seen so far this millennium. It defies all reason. I can't even write. I'm speechless. I mean really.

WTF is GOING ON? Not ONE woman on a US government panel the purpose of which is to discuss issues related to the availability of contraception?  

Tags community feminism gender parity goals government health politics sexuality Women's Rights

Helen Fisher On Love Love Love

helen_fisher.jpgHelen Fisher's courageous investigations of romantic love -- its evolution, its biochemical foundations and its vital importance to human society -- are informing and transforming the way we understand ourselves.

Fisher describes love as a universal human drive (stronger than the sex drive; stronger than thirst or hunger; stronger perhaps than the will to live), and her many areas of inquiry shed light on timeless human mysteries, like why we choose one partner over another.

Tags Fun happiness health inspiration love

Brene Brown On Connection & Vulnerability

brene-brown.jpgBrene Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work.

Brown studies human connection -- our ability to empathize, belong, love. She has spent the past ten years studying vulnerability, courage, authenticity, and shame.

She is also the author of The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are.

Tags community connection happiness health inspiration love TED Talks