Excuse Me Sir, Would You Buy Me Some Tampons Please?

Thus begins one of several “social experiment” videos that are a part of UbyKotex’s brilliant “Break the Cycle” campaign designed to change the way we take about vaginas, periods and women’s reproductive healthcare.
Thus begins one of several “social experiment” videos that are a part of UbyKotex’s brilliant “Break the Cycle” campaign designed to change the way we take about vaginas, periods and women’s reproductive healthcare.
Unlike the series of YouTube videos I dissed in my last blog post Would You Buy a Maxi Pad From A Half-Naked Man?, the Kotex campaign takes a bold, creative, provocative and most important, sensible approach to the business of advertising feminine products.
They guys' in the street responses in the video caused me to laugh out loud:
Another in the social experiment series had me rolling on the floor. It centers on a young man in a grocery store seeking advice from other shoppers on what kind of product to buy his girlfriend who is, you know, on her (shhhhhhh, don’t say it too loud) period….
Any woman who has ever stood, baffled, as I have many times, in front of a wall of feminine products variously described as scented, unscented, maxi, mini, winged, unwinged, thin, ultra-thin, semi-thin, first day, last day, mid-day, regular, medium, heavy, etceteras, will appreciate the conundrum depicted in by the actor in this bit called “Help me choose:”
The “social experiments” are complimented by clever ads that lampoon the traditional approach to the kind of advertising normally associated with this kind of product.
I love them:
Why are tampon ads so obnoxious?
Why are tampon ads so ridiculous?
Hip hip hooray for Kotex, one company that finally "got it" with their UbyKotex campaign, the goal of which they explain thus on their website (which, BTW has NOTHING to do with butterflies, white spandex or danelion fluff - it's black and bold and wonderfully frank and in your face):
Newsflash: It’s not the 1950s anymore. Talking openly about many intimate health issues is no longer taboo. In fact, it’s encouraged, leading to increased awareness and better health care for people everywhere. So why is it that society and the media still can’t get it together when it comes to women’s issues below the waist? Sadly, this secrecy and shame about all things related to vaginal health have a negative impact on a woman’s body image, self-esteem and overall health.I’m one of the 70% of women who wish society would change the way we all talk about vaginal health.
In a recent survey, 70% of women said they wish society would change the way it talks about vaginal health, but less than half feel like they can do anything about it. U by Kotex* brand wants to help women change the conversation about periods and vaginal care. By bringing it out into the open, we hope that every woman will learn to think differently, talk openly, take charge, help Break the Cycle* and begin to feel comfortable with her body and confident about her personal care.
I'm also one of the 98% of women who know you can't tell a woman is on her period by looking at her...
...and one of the 72% of women who feel that society is more comfortable talking about penises than about vanginas...
...and I feel strongly that there’s something I can do about it. So I’m doing it. This blog post is part of what I'm doing, as is most of this website.
I'm not a mother, so I have no sons or daughters to influence, but I salute Moms who talk to their daughters (and sons!), about things other than seashells…
How about you? What, if anything, are you doing?
Related links:
Would You Buy a Maxi Pad From A Half-Naked Man?
Eve Ensler On Happiness In Body And Soul
15 Things You Should Know About Breasts