Change Is In The Air: AWR Gives Fans A Sneak Preview Of Our New Logo

But don't worry, you will still be able to find all the same wonderful articles and inspiration to which you have become accustomed over the last two and a half years.
I hope the migration will be relatively smooth, without too many glitches. However, my experience of technology thus far leads me to believe there may be a few bumps in the road ahead – but challenges haven't stopped me before, and they won't stop me now!
As part of the migration, I wanted to give Amazing Women Rock a makeover, and infuse the website with a revitalised energy. The first step in the transformation and migration was to redesign the logo symbol and logotype.
Today I unveil the new Eve, symbolically named after the first woman common to three of the world's major religions, and more important, a short form of EVErywoman.
I love her energy and exuberance. I hope you do too!