Articles tagged with: adventure

10 Life Lessons I Learned From Being a Biker

Liz Jansen HeadshotGuest blog post by author & motorcycle aficionado Liz Jansen.

Motorcycles and our relationship with them have much to teach us, whether we ride or not.

The partnership of rider and machine when they join together in perfect harmony is like observing a beautiful dance that gives birth to power, strength, balance and positive change. 

Tags adventure Fun inspiration learning personal growth success

Kayaker Hoffmeister Conquers The Cape

freya3Article by Joe Glickman.

No stretch of water on the planet is as feared as the legendary passage around Cape Horn.

Its gale-force winds, rogue waves, icebergs and summertime blizzards have sunk more than 800 ships.

Freya Hoffmeister intended to paddle around it, and was 2,333 miles into her attempt to become the first person to circumnavigate South America by kayak.

Tags adventure goals inspiration sports success

Here's To Being A Crazy One. A Misfit. A Rebel. And A Square Peg In A Round Hole.

IMG 0196
I think I wrote the post below in about 2008.
I know I took the pink hair selfie above in June 2015.
Some things never change. 

birthday 2010_cuI don’t fit in
. Never have. Maybe never will. And while the "outside" can often be lonely place, there’s also lots to be relished about being a rebel.

It means I can still don purple suede boots, black lace stockings, short skirts, and the jean jacket I embroidered and wore with such pride when I was 13 (it doesn’t matter that it’s literally falling apart at the seams now).

Tags adventure connection fashion feminism Fun happiness health innovation inspiration love

Freya Hoffmeister (Kayaker/Adventurer)

Freya7 oz_2009Freya Hoffmeister (born May 10, 1964) is a German business owner and athlete who holds several sea kayaking endurance records.

She owns a chain of seven franchise ice cream cafes, a salad bistro and a Christmas shop in Germany.

In 2009 she completed a circumnavigation of Australia solo and unassisted, becoming the first woman and only the second person ever to do so. 

Tags adventure courage determination goals sports