A Tribute to Rachel Cotten

Posted by Joshua Cotten

To Rachel, my beloved Wife:

What more can I say that better describes you than my best friend and soul mate?
Although we are having rough times in our lives right now, there is no one I would rather be standing next to than you. As you continue to flower into an even more vibrant and radiant woman, you will find that nothing is beyond your grasp. Your talent exceeds those around you and your beauty draws people towards you.

Had I known the size of the pearl that was hiding in your shell, I would have done everything that I could to hide you from those who would want to steal you away. However, I would have only kept one of the world’s most precious gifts from reaching her full potential. You never cease to amaze me in your diligence, excellence, and beauty; and I am blessed to have received you as my bride.

Believe me when I tell you that I have always wanted the best for you, to watch you grow and become everything you want to be. With your childhood chains removed, you have the ability to soar to unlimited heights. Use the wisdom and intelligence God has granted you, for there may be some around you who seek to take advantage of your strengths. Take hold of the reins of life; don’t settle for second best.

Your heart is strong and your mind is keen. Feel the wind flow through your gorgeous auburn hair and smile with those exquisite lips. Smile wide and smile strong and experience all that life has to offer. But even as you look to the future, don’t forget the past, the place from which the new you has been born. You were beautiful then, just as you are beautiful now. And most important, remember those who love you most.

Yours always,
