A Tribute to Marian Hamilton Christie Channell
AWR friend Colin Channell eulogized his mother Marian Hamilton Christie Channell (July 23, 1926 - February 24, 2013), at a memorial service in spring 2013. Here's what he said:
"Even though it seems like Mum left us a long time ago, today is still a very solemn day because it is where those who loved her bring her to her eternal rest.
And for Drew, Anne and I it completes the circle as Mum comes to be with our Dad who passed away almost 30 years to this day.
To speak of Mum without mentioning Dad is impossible because they were the seed of the three of us and the reason that we are all here today. Mum and Dad loved each other deeply and we had blessed childhoods because of that.
Dad's unexpected passing left us all in shock but no one more so than Mum. She struggled with Dad's death but rebuilt her life around what she loved most, her family.
There were times that we were critical of Mum for not doing this or not joining that but her life was always one of simplicity...and her family. She loved to have us around as children and when we grew up, married and had children of our own, she expanded her loving role as Gram.
Caroline, Julie, Gillian, Michael, Christopher, Andrea, Ross, Aisha..She loved you all very much and cherished the time sshe spent with each of you. She was proud of your accomplishments: your sporting triumphs, your piano recitals, your graduations, your lives. And she felt your pain when any of you were hurting. Such was Gram...loving, caring, kind, giving.
What do we take from the life that our mother and father gave to us? And what should you grandchildren remember of Gram and stories of your Grandfather who you never met?
That their lives live on through each of us... that their goodness, humility and decency are values that we cherish and hold dear...that our families are meaningful, loving and supportive.
Mum was all of this and it was how she lived her life.
God Bless you Mum."