92-Year-Old Road Warrrior Rachel Veitch Goes On Leno
Susan notes: Rachel Veitch, 92, drives a 45-year-old car she calls Chariot. Her story, featured on Growing Bolder, a self-described "one-of-a-kind intergenerational social network," has racked up millions of page views, while she continued to rack up miles on the road...
Growing Bolder says:
Romancing the Road
Life's Odometer: Smiles Per Gallon
Gun Totin', Flag Wavin' Sparkplug
Rachel Joins the GB.com Community
The Growing Bolder TV Show: Riding With Rachel
The Today Show Rolls With Rachel
Rachel Veitch: International Celebrity
Related links:Our gal pal, 92-year-old Rachel Veitch, has really hit the big time. When our original story (see link below) on Rachel and Chariot started racking up millions of pageviews, the rest of the media took notice.
Rachel has been featured on TV and radio stations nationwide, including the Today Show. She’s been in major newspapers and thousands of blogs.
But tonight (Wednesday, Aug. 11), her dream comes true -- Rachel will be on NBC's The Tonight Show with fellow car lover, Jay Leno. And she won’t be alone. The Tonight Show also shipped Chariot from Florida to California for the show.
Romancing the Road
Life's Odometer: Smiles Per Gallon
Gun Totin', Flag Wavin' Sparkplug
Rachel Joins the GB.com Community
The Growing Bolder TV Show: Riding With Rachel
The Today Show Rolls With Rachel
Rachel Veitch: International Celebrity