Articles in Category: Women Worldwide

Life is a Gift

By Diane Dutton

diane-dutton.jpgMany times during my life, I have read the phrase “Success favors the bold”, but I was never sure what that meant. Now I know.

My story is all about being bold and walking away from the establishment over and over again.

The Beat of a Different Drummer

By Julie-Ann Odell

julie_ann_odell.jpgWe never know where life is going to take us.

More often than not, we think we’re on the main road of our journey, content with towns that we know, and destinations that are safe with clearly marked sign-posts, until circumstances and/or people divert us, and offer choices that appear to be detours.

So we venture down a detour, treading cautiously at first in unknown ground, and then start to merry along believing that eventually we will find the main road once again...

The Long Road to Running

By Mary T. Wagner

running-with-stilettos.jpgI didn’t set out to be an essayist, or a blogger, or to have a website, or to publish a collection of reflections ranging from mortality, to gardening, to chocolate addiction, to the view from the back seat of a Harley driven by a man in black leather pants.

I set out years ago to write an entirely different book…but as it often does, life got in the way.

Creating a Better World

By Marion Gold

Alien. Unwelcoming. A constant battle that saps your energy and spirit.

This is the way many women still describe the experience of trying to reach the executive suites of the corporate world. It’s also the reason many who finally make it to a corner office then choose to leave their coveted position to shape their own destinies by striking out on their own as consultants or entrepreneurs.