Good News Email From Amnesty International

stop_violence_against_women.jpgDear Susan,

Hopefully you've heard the good news by now – yesterday, because of your fast-acting calls and emails sent to Congress during the final moments before a critical vote on women's human rights, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to make the U.S. Office for Global Women's Issues permanent.

This major victory just proves that when you speak up for human rights, the people in power do listen. It may have taken us a lot of effort to seal the deal, but today, the fight seems well worth it. Because of you, the doors are now opened for major advancements in combating violence against women and improving women's health care, education, and economic stability.

Thank you for taking action to help empower women worldwide! We'll continue to keep you posted as the bill moves on to the Senate before finally landing on President Obama's desk.

In Solidarity,

Katie, Betsy, Chris, Meredith and the rest of the Stop Violence Against Women Campaign team

Related links:
Amnesty International