A Tribute to Lynn Hamam

Posted By Debbie Goodbody

My friend Lynn is my unsung hero, the one who cares, supports, loves and gives beyond her own needs.

Lynn is the one who is the guiding light for those who are lost. The one who, when others are falling by the wayside, will carry on. And for these attributes? Lynn asks nothing in return.

Lynn, our friendship is has stood the test of time and distance...........it is a mark of who we were, who we are, and who we will become in the future.

Lynn, from when we were much younger until now, through my bleakest of times (and you will know when), you have been there for me, never judging, never tiring of hearing my story.

Lynn for those times past and for the times to come, I thank you. I want others to know the woman you are and the power of our love for each other. x