
You asked for, but despite our best efforts, looking very hard, we could not find it. What happened ?

It's not the end of everything though : you may be interested in the following pages on our site:

AMAZING WOMEN ARE EVERYWHERE! (Because EVERY woman is amazing.) is: free and easy to use (explore at your leisure), committed to your privacy (and open to your ideas) "self-policing" (report any bad behaviour here ) sharing your stories (send us your submissions ) (guidelines here) passionate about inspiration committed to being successful and having fun :)

AWR was created, developed its founder Susan Macaulay.  You can read more about how and why Susan created the site here.

Jennifer Marriott (AKA - Average Geeky Musician Chick) currently caretakes the site and is an Ontario, Canada to Oklahoma, USA transplant.  She is a musician, author, web developer and as the AKA states just your average geeky musician chick. You can find more about Jennifer here.

Our most popular story:

The Cracked Pot