Articles tagged with: canada

Agnes Macphail (Politician)

agnes_macphail.jpgAgnes Campbell Macphail (March 24, 1890 – February 13, 1954) was the first woman to be elected to the Canadian House of Commons, and one of the first two women elected to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.

Active throughout her life in progressive Canadian politics, Macphail worked for two separate parties and promoted her ideas through column-writing, activist organizing, and legislation.

Tags canada courage determination feminism goals government inspiration politics success

Canadian Ice Fishing Antics: How We Check Fish Stocks In The Frozen North

Susan notes: OMG! Only crazy Canadians would pull a stunt like this one... I'm still laughing LOL. Listening to their accents, I bet they're Maritimers, possibly Newfies. They say they're in Northern Ontario, but I they sound like Newfoundlanders to me... I love Maritimers (was married to one for 20 years lol), and Newfoundlanders are the best of them. It's great to be Canadian:)

Thanks to:
Susan Kinnon
Edmonton, Alberta
Tags canada Fun funny humour winter